This is my backyard tree. I removed myself from my kitchen already this morning and retreated to my backyard. You see, it’s the first day of my kid’s summer vacation. One has already left to work at a church camp all summer, one has driven himself 🙁 to his golf tournament, and my Paigey has Disney channel on. It was only 8am, and I found myself wondering how I was going to handle the new season of summer. I love summer. The warmth, the sun, baseball, swimming pool, camps, the change in schedule. However, my anxiety was already starting up with all that change meant for the next 3 months. So, I brought my Bible and my coffee creamer, with a touch of coffee, out to my backyard, and prayed. For strength. For help. And our all knowing Father put the reminder in my heart that we only need to be concerned with one day at a time. My “yeah but’s” started to play in my head and again I heard His kind, loving voice telling me to read in Matthew the Lord’s Prayer. Verse 11 says, “Give us today our daily bread.” Our DAILY bread. Not our monthly bread or summer bread. But Jesus, the Bread of life, will give us daily what we need. So, I will set about my first day of kids home summer focused on this one day only. Because God’s got me. One day at a time.

“Give us today our daily bread.”
– Matthew verse 11